Thursday, 1. November 2007
The Church, Sects and Teenagers in Suits
At the moment I am staying at The International Guesthouse Dresden. Which is quite nice. If you need a room you can just drop them an email and most of the times you will get a confirmation within 24 hours. So this was perfect when I was in Asia and got my admission for the university place. I just dropped them a line and got a place to stay. The rooms are newly renovated and prices are 245 Euro for a single room. To summarize: It is quite nice here.
But: As always there is a snag. Every now and then you will see some teenagers in suits. They have ties and everything. They just dress up like no normal teen should dress up. While passing by they will address you and because you are a helpful person you will brake hard, almost overturning you and your bicycle. You will wait for a question like: "Where is XY street?" or "How do I get to the tram?". Actually they are surprising you: "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Hell No! I even do not believe in God. And for this dumb question I almost had an accident? Are you mad? Have you had too many hard drugs? Have you had too many "spiritual experiences"? Do not get on my nerves!
That is what I wanted to say. However as I already told You: I am a friendly person. So I was very polite and said that I do believe in God and I never will. However these guys did not let up. They wanted to know why I do not believe and if we could meet for a chat. No no no. They even said that they could proof the existence of God. HA!
As far as I know Jesus Christ and God is all about belief. I think I can even recall something from the bible saying that God will not proof the existence of himself, because he wants us to believe. Wikipedia says:

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual is convinced of the truth or validity of a proposition or premise (argument) without necessarily being able to adequately prove their main contention to other people who may or may not agree

So I think we have a contradiction here: If these guys say they can proof the existence of God and God said that he will not proof his existence, than either they are talking about a different God or they are talking bullshit. Or God is a big liar.
Whatever is true, I do not care! And please guys: Do not bother me anymore! Two meetings with your club on one single day is more that I can sustain. Do not ring my bell, do not thwart me, get home, burn your ties, get a beer, get a girlfriend, get a life. An own life!

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