Tuesday, 19. February 2008
Underdogs or How to Pimp Your Pumpkin Soup
I always like these guys who sweep the street. First of all because I do not like trash. Second of all because watching them is interesting and makes you think.

You think about the world and your position in it. And finally you will realize that your position is not that bad at all. These guys who clean the street and pick up your used tissue are mostly overlooked by everyone.

I always have sympathy with them. That is because I always have sympathy with the weaker. If there is a game of soccer I am always in favour for the weaker team. If your are the stronger player in a game, it's not special to win. However if you're the weaker and you win, than you really did it!

Inside of my brain I can hear you yell: "Asshole! You are talking about the sweepers like they are shit!"

No I don't. As I mentioned, cleaners and sweepers are important. They do a very important job. However cleaning the streets or the toilets is no fun. I do not think that many people do this because they like it especially.They do it because they have to.

One interesting observation I made over the last years watching the "sweepers", is that there are different categories of them. I differentiate between 3 of them:
  • The Afros
  • The women
  • The men
The Afros are normally the people who clean everything really good. When a Afro cleaned the railways station, you can see your face mirrored at a thousand places. I imagine that you could even look inside of the trash bin and see yourself at the lustering bottom. They do a real good job. When I see them I always want to give them money. Not because I think they look so torn off that they need it, but just to thank them.

The women are the second best sweepers. They are not especially good, but they work hard. Maybe they do have a family at home and really need the money. Maybe they think: "SHIT. I hate this job, I hate this job!" However keeping their thoughts at their children keeps them going.

The worst are the men. They are always clustered in groups of at least 3. Two of the three are talking about something only men talk about (usually shit). One has a shovel or a broom pretending to work by moving it at such a enormous speed that even my 120 years old Grandma could do faster. Sometimes I think the only underdog job men are good at is garbage collection. Or maybe butcher.

To come back to the heading: You can pimp your pumpkin soup with nutmeg.

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Thursday, 1. November 2007
The Church, Sects and Teenagers in Suits
At the moment I am staying at The International Guesthouse Dresden. Which is quite nice. If you need a room you can just drop them an email and most of the times you will get a confirmation within 24 hours. So this was perfect when I was in Asia and got my admission for the university place. I just dropped them a line and got a place to stay. The rooms are newly renovated and prices are 245 Euro for a single room. To summarize: It is quite nice here.
But: As always there is a snag. Every now and then you will see some teenagers in suits. They have ties and everything. They just dress up like no normal teen should dress up. While passing by they will address you and because you are a helpful person you will brake hard, almost overturning you and your bicycle. You will wait for a question like: "Where is XY street?" or "How do I get to the tram?". Actually they are surprising you: "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Hell No! I even do not believe in God. And for this dumb question I almost had an accident? Are you mad? Have you had too many hard drugs? Have you had too many "spiritual experiences"? Do not get on my nerves!
That is what I wanted to say. However as I already told You: I am a friendly person. So I was very polite and said that I do believe in God and I never will. However these guys did not let up. They wanted to know why I do not believe and if we could meet for a chat. No no no. They even said that they could proof the existence of God. HA!
As far as I know Jesus Christ and God is all about belief. I think I can even recall something from the bible saying that God will not proof the existence of himself, because he wants us to believe. Wikipedia says:

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual is convinced of the truth or validity of a proposition or premise (argument) without necessarily being able to adequately prove their main contention to other people who may or may not agree

So I think we have a contradiction here: If these guys say they can proof the existence of God and God said that he will not proof his existence, than either they are talking about a different God or they are talking bullshit. Or God is a big liar.
Whatever is true, I do not care! And please guys: Do not bother me anymore! Two meetings with your club on one single day is more that I can sustain. Do not ring my bell, do not thwart me, get home, burn your ties, get a beer, get a girlfriend, get a life. An own life!

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Wednesday, 12. September 2007
Lazy Buggers
After a couple of month travelling through South-East-Asia I arrived in Germany just a week ago. One of the very first impressions I can't forget was the deserted central station of Hamburg. While I was travelling I always reffered to Hamburg as my hometown, even though I do not live there anymore. This was due to the fact that:

1. My heart is still in Hamburg.
2. Quite a lot of people abroad know Hamburg. At least most of them have heard about the city in the news or wherever and some even know that Hamburg is located in Germany. Wow.

Whatsoever. Back to the central station.
After arriving by plane at the airport I had to pick up my girlfriend at the central station, because she flew with Qatar Airways and therefore arrived in Frankfurt/Main. So she had to take the train to get to Hamburg and I had to kill some time at the station. I thought the best way to spent the time would be to get something to eat. The food in the airplane was not particularry bad, but it wasn't really good either. You know how it is. After being aboard so long I was looking forward to some nice and delicious german food. For example a pretzel or something like this.

Sadly it turned out that there are quite some differences between Asia and Germany. For example the fact, that most of the shops at the central station close at 10 pm. The only shops that stay open are the branches of two international operating fast food franchise companies. Thank you very much. After spending months aboard I definetely did not want to get some burgers made out of cardboard and monosodium glutamate, which I could have got back in Asia as well.

However. This is not about unscrupulous international companies, but about the fact, that it was only 10 pm and all the stores were closing. I mean: Come on it was only 10 pm and we are not talking about a small village nobody ever heared of. We are talking about Hamburg. A big, vibrant city in the middle of Europe.

All this let me think: Are my expectations just too high or are we just a lazy bunch of rotting biomass?


A cousin of my girlfriend got ill. The bad thing about it: He planned a rollout for this week. And he is the only person in his company who could do it. Oops.
So I promised his boss - who is btw the dad of my girlfriend - that I would try to save the day. Because it was all about MS Windows and I really do not know a shit about it, I tried to contact another guy who should give me a hand. After 3 text messages he replied that he doesn't like to be dependent. Hello??? Someone home?? I know you are unemployed and I offer you a job and the only answer is that you do not want to be dependent? Are you insane?

Possible conclusions:
1. His biomass is so rotten, that his brain is not working properly anymore.
2. He is one of the most lazy and unprofessional persons I ever met.

Back to my question:
Are my expectations just too high or is mankind a bunch of lazy buggers?

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